The Doors to the Profit Posse are currently closed...

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This Is Not a Sales Page

Because if it was a typical sales page...

This is the section where I would include a picture of myself, or my product logo, or a cute lifestyle image.

It’s also where I might tell you that running a successful online business is possible. You can make all those dreams in your head come true - flexible schedule, working from home, making money doing something you love, quitting your 9-5…

I’ve been growing my own online business since 2012.

I’ve weathered many (many!) ups and downs, failures and successes, trends and platforms. I’ve loved (almost) every minute of it. More importantly, I’ve learned countless lessons along the way (that can only be learned from actual, ground-up experience!).

And I have a passion for sharing them!

So If You...

Feel stuck in your own online business

Have more questions than answers

Can’t seem to get to that next level

Love brainstorming and hashing it out with like-minded small business owners who “get it”

This is where I would tell you I’m starting a new group.

And there’s a virtual seat at the table with your name on it.

If this were your average sales page,  this is where I'm supposed to agitate your pain points

I would remind you:

How hard it is to start and grow an online business (and ya’ll, it really is, that’s no joke).

How according to Forbes, Huffington Post, and Marketing Signals, 90% of all online businesses fail within the first 120 days of launch.

How lost you feel without a proven plan from someone who has been there and done that already.

How lonely it is at the beginning, in the middle, and even at the top when you just wish you had someone who "got it" in your corner.

Then I’m supposed to introduce my amazing product as the solution to all your problems.

so I introduce you to...

Templates & Trackers

Blank templates where you just plug in your info

Zoom Style Q+A Calls

Submit questions ahead of time and we’ll chat

How to Videos

Detailed tutorials showing you exactly how to do something

Behind the Curtain Videos

You’ll get to see the actual videos I send my team

Exclusive Podcast Episodes

Bonus audio episodes you won’t find anywhere else

Launch Breakdowns

I’ll share some numbers that I’m not comfortable showing anywhere else

And what exactly is a posse?

I’m so glad you asked.




1 : a large group often with a common interest

That’s what the profit posse is:

a group of people with the common interest of

growing a profitable business.

Now, this is where I’m supposed to paint you a vivid picture of what life is like AFTER you’ve joined The Profit Posse and all your problems are solved.

I’ll just invite you to do that for yourself. Go ahead: start painting the picture in your mind.

How do you feel? Who’s with you? How is your life different?

But, wait...

You’ve read enough fancy sales pages and bought enough online info products to know that... matter how masterfully I write the copy, this $14 a month program isn’t going to solve all your problems.

It’s certainly not going to magically make your kids listen to you (and if you’ve got the secret to that - hit me up asap), stop yet another thing from breaking in your so called dream house, or make celery miraculously taste like Oreos so you can reach all your health goals effortlessly.

And here’s the real deal (that you probably already know):

We’ve established that my product won’t fix your entire life...

...but I’m going to go totally off the usual sales page script and say it’s not EVEN going to solve all your business problems. I could try to pretend that it would, but you’d see right through that.

It won’t make the perfect (affordable but efficient) VA appear before your eyes.

It won’t write your sales copy for you (honestly, not even ChatGPT does that very well).

You won’t wake up tomorrow to a viral post.

You might be thinking:

So, Laura, if The Profit Posse won’t solve all my business problems, then what on earth will it do and why should I join?

Again, I’m so glad you asked. (You're Smart!)


LEt Me Explain the Purpose of THe Profit POsse

The Profit Posse is a low-cost membership where I'm spilling my guts and giving you loads of tips, tricks, and practical strategies I've learned in my 11+ years of online business ownership. I'm at the point in my where I'm just bursting to share. There's plenty of room at the table for all of us to be successful. So pull up a chair!


Here's what you'll Get as a member.

Each month, I'll share at least 2 exclusive, "only for the posse," resources to help you grow a profitable business. This will include trainings, how-to videos, templates trackers, zoom-style Q+A's, sneak peek videos that I actually sent to my team, exclusive podcast episodes, and more.

In the membership portal, you'll also get access to the full archive of past posse goodies.

And, as a founding member, you'll get to shape the content. I'm going to rely heavily on what current members want to decide what resources to add next.


here’s my Profit Posse Promise to you:

The Profit Posse is currently just $14 a month for anyone joining us now as a Founding Member. If you don’t make at least $15 each month back (and hopefully WAY more than that) from participating and implementing the tools I give you, I’ll happily refund your money.

Plus, you have the option to easily cancel your membership at any time.

You might be wondering

"If it’s that great, why’s it so cheap?"

Again, glad you asked.

Now, I could tell you (and most people probably would) that it’s because I care so deeply about you and your business and I desperately want to help as many people as possible with this membership - from brand new business owners on a tight budget to those making multi millions. And that would actually be true...

Anyone who’s spent 5 minutes with me knows how much I genuinely love talking business and strategy with anyone who’ll listen.

(Sorry to the random guy at church who innocently asked how I get customers to be friendly and received a 14 minute mini lesson in e-mail marketing.)

Plus, let’s face it, as a busy business owner, you absolutely don’t have time to go using 20 new resources every month.

However, that would only be part of the truth. The other part (that most people don’t tell you but you still know it’s true) is actually a bit selfish.

This is my second business (not to mention I have a life outside of work)...

...with kids, church, family, travel, a chronic illness, and so on), and I don’t have anywhere close to 40 hours a week to be creating 20 resources every month. My first business is massive with a team of several full time employees, 20,000+ paying customers every year, 200,000+ on my email list, and all sorts of deliverables due every single month. I absolutely love that style of business, although I know it’s not for everyone.

But I want this one to be different.

I don’t want a huge team and a bajillion things to create. If I’m on the hook to create an elaborate course with 49 videos and 28 worksheets every month because you’re paying $997 - well that’s just not the personal, fluid group I’m aiming to cultivate. Hence the $14 Founding Member rate - the amount where I know I can wildly overdeliver and you can realistically afford + implement each month as we grow our library of resources.

Wondering what you'll get inside

Templates & Trackers

Soooo much of running a profitable business relies on keeping track of important information - products, links, pricing, data trends, etc. Having a set of blank templates at your fingertips to make sense of this info will save you time AND give you confidence that you are tracking the RIGHT things to grow, grow, grow!

Zoom Style Q+A Calls

Ever wish you had a magic mirror to ask all your most pressing business questions AND trust that you’ll be given a reliable answer? You’re in luck. As a member of the Posse you can submit questions ahead of time, and we’ll schedule regular group chats to answer together.

How to Videos

Get ready for detailed tutorials that walk you through exactly how to tackle your most commonly confused online business platforms, tools, and systems (think spreadsheets, funnels, deliverables, etc)

Behind the Curtain Videos

I’m pulling back the curtain on the inner workings of my own profitable online business, and you’re invited inside! Get the VIP treatment with videos and behind-the-scenes communications I send to my actual team.

Exclusive Podcast Episodes

Did you hear?! The Profit Posse is also a podcast. As a paying member, you’ll get secret access to bonus audio episodes you can’t find anywhere else!

Launch Breakdowns

Learn from my successes (and mistakes!). Inside The Profit Posse I’ll be breaking down my own launches and sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly - and you’ve got a front row seat!

Oh, and you might also be wondering...

"Laura, who are you? Why should I care what you have to say."

Being a humble girl who lives in the middle of Indiana cornfields and drove a 2000 minivan until just recently (despite being able to pay cash for really any car I wanted)...I really hate this bio part of a sales page. The part where I have to talk about myself.

But I realize many of ya'll don't know me so here goes:


I’ve been an online business owner for 11 years.

In 2023 my first business called Get Organized HQ made over 2.5 million in top line revenue (while maintaining a respectable profit margin), had over 200,000 warm e-mail subscribers with an average 60% open rate, and had 38,669 individual paying customers.


My first business sells directly to customers online.

We sell physical and digital products to help women get more organized, and feel less stress and more peace in their homes and lives. That means I am literally in your shoes, running a successful online business (and not just telling you how to run yours).


I love teaching.

It’s why I ditched my engineering career and got started in online business in the first place. I love teaching my customers how to have an organized home. I love patiently empowering my team members to make decisions for themselves. And I cannot wait to show you how to grow the business of your dreams.


I host the biggest and best online virtual summit in the world

(It’s called Get Organized HQ Virtual). Now, as far as I know, there is no official board that ranks virtual summits, and I don’t even think virtual summits are in the Guiness Book of World Records (although if you ask me they should be). Therefore, it’s a little tough to prove this. However, I’ve yet to see one that is bigger or better. If you know of a bigger and better virtual summit and can prove me wrong, let me know, and your next cup of coffee is on me.

Oh, and the stats it has to beat?

The 2023 Get Organized HQ Virtual Summit had...






pass sales

1M+ in revenue

over the course of a month

Ready for the non-sales page grand finale?!

is NOT your average sales page and this is NOT your average business group...and it's exactly why you should join us!

The Doors to the Profit Posse are currently closed...

We're not accepting new members to the Profit Posse right now, (we know, sorry!), but sign up to the waitlist below and we'll make certain you're the first to know as soon as the doors open again!

Remember the Profit Posse Promise:

If you don't get at least the value that you paid, I'll happily refund your last month. There's no minimum commitment. You can easily cancel anytime.

Copyright 2024, Get Profitable HQ.
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